Baza Tubulara – reîntinerire si modernizare
De-a lungul anilor, Atelierul Bazei Tubulare a fost solicitat de factorii externi si interni, fapt care a dus la uzura anumitor elemente interioare si exterioare atelierului.
De asemenea, numeroasele contracte încheiate cu clientii fideli ai firmei sau cu clienti ale caror cerinte de calitate au fost exigente, au dus la solicitarea la maximum a capacitatilor atelierului.
De aceea, Consiliul de Administratie al S.C. BAT Târgoviste S.A. a luat hotarârea de alocare a unor sume importante din fondul de investitii al firmei, sume utilizate pentru:
- refacerea exteriorului Atelierului Bazei Tubulare (vopsire ziduri exterioare, repararea si izolarea acoperisului)
- revopsirea elementelor metalice exterioare (usi, ferestre, scari)
- refacerea circuitelor electrice exterioare de înalta tensiune si înlocuirea lor acolo unde a fost cazul
- revopsirea podului rulant (cârlig de 5tf si cârlig de 20tf)
In interiorul atelierului au fost aduse îmbunatatiri vizibile:
- cailor de acces
- vestiarului salariatilor (înlocuirea sau revopsirea dulapurilor metalice)
- refacerea sau înlocuirea circuitelor electrice interioare
- revopsirea si reconditionarea utilajelor (strunguri, freze, masini de gaurit)
Toate aceste îmbunatatiri au fost posibile deoarece firma se afla într-o continua dezvoltare si modernizare.
S.C. BAT Târgoviste S.A. prezinta aceeasi încredere deosebita pentru clientii traditionali dar si pentru clientii noi pe care i-am câstigat în ultimii ani.
Acesti clienti, vechi si noi, care au apelat la serviciile furnizate de S.C. BAT Târgoviste S.A. (BAT Târgoviste, BATT), au apreciat calitatea produselor executate de firma noastra.
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Over the years, the Tubular Base Workshop has been requested by external and internal stakeholders, which has led to the wear of some interior and exterior elements of the workshop.
Also, the many contracts concluded with the loyal customers of the company or with clients whose quality requirements were demanding, led to the maximum demand for the workshop capacities.
Therefore, the Board of Directors of S.C. BAT Târgoviste S.A. has taken the decision to allocate significant amounts of the company’s investment fund, sums used for:
- restoration of the exterior of the Tubular Base Workshop (painting exterior walls, repair and roof insulation)
- repainting of exterior metallic elements (doors, windows, stairs)
- rebuilding high voltage external electrical circuits and replacing them where appropriate
- repainting the rolling bridge (5tf hook and 20tf hook)
Inside the workshop, visible improvements were made:
- access ways
- the locker room (replacement or repainting of metal cabinets)
- repairing or replacing internal electrical circuits
- repainting and reconditioning of machines (lathes, milling machines, drilling machines)
All of these improvements were possible because the company is in a continuous development and modernization.
SC BAT Târgoviste S.A. has the same tremendous confidence for traditional customers as well as for new clients that I have gained in recent years.
These customers, both old and new, who have turned to the services provided by S.C. BAT Târgoviste S.A. (BAT Targoviste, BATT) appreciated the quality of our products.